Sharon of Sharon’s Pet and Home Services is a long- time homeowner and pet owner in Fresno California.
Being a professional pet sitter since 1996, she knows the importance of having someone to perform those duties when you are away.
She is an active member of PSI (Pet Sitters International) since 1997.After many years of hard work, Sharon and her husband Mike along with much successful help from Councilman Chris Mathys, established Fresno's first dog park, located on El Capitan and Almos.
Included in Sharon’s household are 4 pet/family members
Saint Bernard, Nanette
German Shepherd, Wilson
2 cats, Gloria and Logan.
Sharon feeds, waters, exercises, provides daily dog walks, performs poop duty and give your pets the affection they need while you are away.
If you have pets or not, Sharon’s Pet and Home Service does provide overnight house sitting.
Other services to make your home looked lived in include:
Collecting newspapers and mail.
Removing handbills--Taking trash cans out and light watering.
Open and close blindsTurning lights on and off.